How much is enough?

On Thursday, Governor Polis issued a stay at home order, so Jennifer and I walked around the block a few times together. We talked. We felt the warm sun on our faces. We noticed the new green tufts of grass in the neighbor’s yard. We’ll probably need to mow in a week or two. A few yellow daffodils are spreading their wings. The tulips look promising in the front flower beds at church. Will they bloom at Easter? Tim’s aging old hound walked gingerly toward us. We said, “hello” as only old friends can do. I rang the church bell twelve times at twelve noon, once for each of the original disciples and to remind myself and all of us who we follow. Amidst the cloud of unknowing, is this enough?

Recordings from previous weeks



10:30 a.m. in-person worship.


  • Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Middle school youth group meeting in Fellowship Hall. Meal provided.
  • Wednesday, 6:00 P.M., Sabbath: Sacred Rest. Read “Rest for the Weary” and practice exercise.
  • Wednesday, 10:30 A.M., Valley Inn service.
  • Wednesday, 1:00-3:00 P.M., Clean windows in our fellowship hall. Feel free to come for thirty minutes or two hours.
  • Wednesday, 4:30-6:00 P.M. Tour of the Santa Rita Demonstration Gardens led by Amy Wise at Santa Rita Park in Durango.
  • Sunday, September 29. Potluck after our service. Please bring a favorite food dish.
  • Ghost Ranch Retreat: Sacred Rest. October 25 (Friday evening) to October 27 (Sunday afternoon). Please sign up if interested. Financial assistance available.

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1 John 4:19 “We Love because God first loved us.”

As a reconciling congregation, Mancos United Methodist Church prayerfully strives to live in community with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. We affirm that each person is of sacred worth.  We believe that all people are God’s children, created in God’s image, loved and blessed equally by Christ; so, we seek to be a fully inclusive church. We welcome and encourage full participation of all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identification, race, gender, marital status, family structure, faith origin, economic or educational background, and physical or mental ability. While there are differences among us, we do not seek to erase them but to journey together in faithful love toward greater understanding and mutual respect.